Major Donors – Native American Warrior Project

Pledge Your Support

Support the Native American Warrior Project and be remembered forever! Your tax-deductible donation will make this Project a reality. Gifts over $25,000 get you into the  OKLAHOMA WARRIORS group! Sponsors at this level will receive recognition at four (4) events, including our upcoming Philharmonic: Native American Works concert.


Oklahoma Warriors, Major Gift

  • Brigade

    , $100,000 and up

    Brigade level donors receive the following:
    • Be memorialized at the site of the monument at Veterans Memorial Park
    • One seat on stage at monument dedication
    • Special acknowledgment in Native American Warriors Commemorative Book written by Bob Burke and Jerry Isbell
    • Opportunity to provide remarks at monument dedication
    • Ten VIP level tickets to all scheduled and future Native American Warrior Project eventsrn with photo opportunities
    • Recognition at all events promoting and celebrating the Native American Warrior Project
    • Recognition at all events and on social media and other advertisements
    • Special acknowledgment in Native American Warriors Commemorative Book
    • Autographed copy of the Commemorative Book and other project related memorabilia

  • Battalion

    , $50,000 – $99,999

    Battalion level donors receive the following:
    • Special acknowledgment in Native American Warriors Commemorative Book written by Bob Burke and Jerry Isbell
    • Acknowledgement on website, social media, and In Commemorative Book
    • One copy of the commemorative book
    • 8 VIP tickets to the Oklahoma City Philharmonic and other honoring events in 2025

  • Company

    , $25,000 – $49,999

    Company level donors receive the following:
    • Special acknowledgment in Native American Warriors Commemorative Book written by Bob Burke and Jerry Isbell
    • Acknowledgement on website, social media, and In Commemorative Book
    • One copy of the commemorative book
    • 4 VIP tickets to the Oklahoma City Philharmonic and other honoring events in 2025